Are you watching what your kids post?

Wow. I understand that Mr. Donovan is promoting his company here (one that provides a "safe place" for kids to keep blogs, etc.) but what I don't understand at all is his main concern about kids on the net: it's not being stalked by crazed pedophile killers, it's that kids might actually express themselves in a way that will come back to haunt them later on.

He gives an example:

Kids who get mad at a teacher and rashly publish a scathing and obscene lampoon on a site like aren't thinking that it could prevent them years hence from getting a scholarship to college or obtaining a job they really want. But this can and has happened. One recent law school graduate was shocked to lose out on a prestigious clerking job for a judge when a routine background check turned up something the candidate had thoughtlessly published years before.

I've not been able to verify this tale, but let's assume it's true. What's the real message he's trying to get across here?

Don't say what you think. Don't say unpopular things. If you oppose a war, don't tell anybody - you might want to work for a military contractor someday. Only talk about your friends in a positive way. Struggling with sexuality? Just shut up! Don't worry, be happy, talk alot about the weather - you never know when the authorities are going to find you out...

What a signpost for our age.

Tim Donovan of Industrious Kid cautions that digital trails can come back to haunt your children.

(link) [CNET]

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