Computer Cracks 5x5 Go

Indeed this is an accomplishment: mathematically it makes Deep Blue look like a computer kindergarten exercise. Go is significantly more complex than chess, and this game (albeit on a tiny board) was "solved", not just programmed to beat a human player.

The American Go Association is reporting that Go for the 5x5 board has been solved by the computer program MIGOS, reports the program's creator, Erik Van Der Werk, a professor at the University of Maastricht in Holland. At about a quarter of the full-board version, 5x5 go is minuscule, similar in scale to "solving" 2X2 chess. The fact that a programmer would even consider this a noteworthy challenge is itself a remarkable testament to the game's complexity. Van Der Werk's approach is described in detail in an article at the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NOSR).

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