Sun, 09 Jan 2005

Genetic HIV Resistance Deciphered

This is a fascinating piece, which prompted me to actually use the Border's gift card I received for Yule to purchase The Seven Daughters of Eve. I'd heard about the book, of course, but had never taken the time to seek it out and read it. I finished most of five chapters last night: and it's a really interesting read, with some fascinating implications for a lot of areas.

Being concerned with ancestry on several levels, both religious and professional (there's more to breeding cattle than putting a bull and a cow together in a paddock), I've got to say that I appreciate how research in genetics is solving more problems, and raising more new questions, than anyone could have possibly imagined.

Scientists unravel the mysteries of AIDS immunity, finding that ethnicity and heredity make some people resistant to HIV infection -- but only if they have the right genes. By Randy Dotinga.

(link) [Wired News]

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