Wed, 28 Jun 2006

Microsoft: Here's how to halt WGA alerts

I'm not sure how much good following these instructions would actually do, as M$ has indicated that this "tool" will be made a mandatory part of the OS in the future. So what's wrong with this, you ask? Are you a software pirate or somebody who supports using a pirated OS?

Not hardly.

The problem with this is that it's "full auto". And it has to be, to be effective, otherwise the pirates could just turn it off. But this capability means that it must be allowed through any firewall, by default, in order to contact M$ and do it's job. This makes it a prime target for hackers to replace, turning your PC into a "zombie". Given Microsoft's security record in the past, it's only a matter of time before an exploit is released that does exactly that.

I've resolved that I've purchased my last Wintel box: when my Medion PC finally dies in a couple of years, I'll be buying a new Intel-based Mac, and run Windows as a second OS when I need to write some code for my remaining Windows client.

Along with a new release of Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications, Microsoft shares how to remove the controversial antipiracy tool.

(link) [CNET]

/Technology | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 6/29/2006 15:44:38
Ron wrote

On 6/29/2006 15:45:40
Thorolf wrote


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