Mon, 26 Jan 2009

Midnight Commander Development Revived

Midnight Commander is my favorite file manager - and not just on Unix. I use hacked copies on Windows at work and on my Mac's at home. Good to see it getting back on track.

Popular Unix console file manager Midnight Commander has experienced a stall for the last few years. Most distributions (including the conservative Slackware) shipped patched packages or snapshots. Despite that, everybody had a favorite bug or two — either inability to specify ssh connection port, or problems with interrupted FTP sessions. Or maybe copying of larger datasets. Or maybe the infamous 'shell is still active' message, which often brought unexpected changes of current directory with it. Whatever it was, we either cursed it every time, or learned to live with it. It seems that finally something many were waiting for has happened — there's some activity on mc development. Check out the new homepage, and let's hope revival is both healthy and lengthy.

(link) [Slashdot]

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