Pirate Radio Challenges Feds

From what I've seen lately, commercial radio is slowly dying in the US. Especially the AM variety, which is nowadays filled with ranting right wingers almost to the exclusion of anything else. I can't remember the last time I heard a song on the AM radio. And FM is devolving into a series of taped "formats".

I honestly hope these folks succeed - if they do, we'll have a radio band as interesting as the Internet. If they don't, we'll all Rush to know Jack, but that'll be about it.

Attendees at a secret "free radio" camp learn how to build their own FM transmitters and evade detection by the FCC. The rogue radio broadcasters claim it's their right to be on the air; feds say they interfere with legit radio signals.

(link) [Wired News: Top Stories]

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