Mon, 16 Feb 2009

Rabbit Ears To Stage a Comeback Thanks To DTV

Well, I must say I'd never thought about the DTV transition like this! I've been stuck by it simply because I'm too far out to get any kind of decent reception, like this fellow who just wants his free TV. But I imagine that if you are in a city, there could be some cost savings in going over the air, as opposed to over the wire.

JLike Monty Python's Killer Rabbit, cheap indoor antennas seem harmless to satellite and cable providers. But with the digital TV transition in the US, rabbit ears can suddenly provide digital-perfect pictures, many more channels, and even on-screen program guides. Already feeling pressure as suddenly budget-conscious consumers shed premium channels, providers must now get creative to protect their low-end as well.

(link) [Slashdot]

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