Wed, 13 Dec 2006

Year-round contraceptive, elimination of menstrual cycles safe, study shows

This strikes me as a bit of a stretch - can they really say that a drug which totally eliminates a natural, rhythmic cycle that normally continues for thirty to forty years is safe after an 18 month study?

Obviously, I'm not female, and have never experienced first hand a single menstrual cramp. But I've been married (more than once), and have three daughters and a mom, and I certainly do understand that the menstrual cycle can be a real pain in the backside (sometimes quite literally). Yet I am still loathe to give credence to the safety of it's complete elimination - biological cycles are not just things you can turn on and off with a switch, be it time or menstruation. I'd be really nervous before I suggested this regimen for a girlfriend, wife or daughter.

Researchers for the first time have demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of continuous-use oral contraceptives that can eliminate menstrual cycles.

(link) [EurekAlert]

/Technology | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 12/13/2006 09:52:26
Analemma wrote

On 12/13/2006 15:53:32
SB wrote


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