Flushing the Net Down the Tubes

With all of the controversy over the recent conference in Tunis about the future of the Internet, methinks that perhaps most governments (and most of their citizens) are missing the real chokepoint of Internet control. And, surprise surprise, it has nothing to do with root servers, ICANN or DNS. Doc Searls, however, sees it crystal clear ...

Doc Searls has written a brilliant piece framing the battle for the Net at Linux Journal. Quote from Doc himself: "This is a long essay. There is, however, no limit to how long I could have made it. The subjects covered here are no less enormous than the Net and its future. Even optimists agree that the Net's future as a free and open environment for business and culture is facing many threats. We can't begin to cover them all or cover all the ways we can fight them. I believe, however, that there is one sure way to fight all of these threats at once, and without doing it the bad guys will win. That's what this essay is about."

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