How 10 Iconic Tech Products Got Their Names

What's in a name? More than we suspect...

Think Windows Azure is a stupid name? Ever wonder how iPod, BlackBerry and Twitter got their names? Author Tom Wailgum goes inside the process of creating tech product names that are cool but not exclusionary, marketable, and most of all, free of copyright and trademark gotchas. Here's the scoop on ten iconic tech products and how they got their monikers, plus a chat with the man responsible for naming Azure, BlackBerry, and more. (What's the one he wishes he'd named but didn't? Google.)

(link) [Slashdot]

07:59 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

In Siberia

I have to tip my blogging hat to Doug over at Masson's Blog for pointing out In Siberia:

This blog is based on the words of George C. Voegeli, my great grandfather. I will be posting portions of his journals, including the entirety of a consolidated journal he put together based on his hand written journals and his memory. I will also supplement the journals with historical background and information. Unless otherwise noted the entries come straight from George's consolidated journal. I will incoporate supplemental material from his other, hand written journals. When I do so I will identify the source of the post. Also, any posts that deal specifically with historical events, places or people will be clearly marked and sources cited. There will also be, from time to time, original drawings from Matt Boyle.

It fits quite nicely with a historical period that I find absolutely fascinating, and has been added to the blogroll, here and over at my own historical diary effort, Honk & Helen.

07:53 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link