Advice Sought

OK web designers of the world here's your opportunity to weigh in on a real world redesign in which you'll not have to bear the consequences in any way of your advice! I need your rede on the following weighty question:

CSS and stylesheets or frames and tables?

I am well aware of the difficulties search engines have with frames, but I'm not certain that I care - most of the stuff on isn't exactly high traffic in any case, and this blog doesn't get indexed per policy. But what other problems will frames induce? Should I be concerned about mobile devices accessing my personal and family home pages?

And as for the CSS style - well, how dramatically will it increase load times if every page has to reload the navigation images? Should I even care, as the browser cache should take care of this? What are the hidden pitfalls of using CSS extensively - are there any browser quirks that I need to be aware of?

By all means, writeback and give it to me straight!

08:02 /Technology | 7 comments | permanent link