Why we need an obesity tax

Welcome to the Brave New World of the Nanny State run wild! To my non-smoking but quite possibly overweight by government definition friends, you'll soon discover how it feels to be a "Public Health Pariah" for your heretofore legal acts of indulgence.

I know, how 'bout we set up scales in restaurants and seat people by weight - how full would the "Fatass Section" be in your town? Oh yeah, shouldn't we charge those forced to sit in that section an extra tax on their meal? They are a public health menace, after all ...

I have one bit of advice to the folks pushing these insane agendas, the same folks responsible for the various lunacies we've got today. Be careful what you wish for: you just might get it. Someday it'll be your ox getting gored, and methinks perhaps you'll see things a bit differently then than you do today.

Like many New Yorkers, I remember a time when nearly everyone smoked. In 1950, Collier's reported that more than three-quarters of adult men smoked. This epidemic had a devastating and long-lasting impact on public health.

(link) [CNN.com]

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