Still Ill

I haven't been this sick since I was a kid. But at least we can get out of the driveway - Larry came by and plowed a path through the yard. The driveway itself (by the tree and the propane tank) is under about a six or eight foot drift. I've never seen anything like it here, Larry said he'd never seen anything like it here either.

Apparently this stuff is going around - Lorraine's brother Bruce has a touch of it and my buddy Tim has had it, too. The strange thing is that it comes and goes - I felt awful Monday, sorta OK Tuesday, and miserable today.

Hopefully I'll be feeling good enough tomorrow to get into to work for some design meetings - I think they might be getting a little miffed at me for missing two days this week, but hey - when you're sick, you're sick. And when I'm sick, I'm paranoid...

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