A Choice to Compute

This is a vital essay - vital to understanding why we in the West are in deep danger of losing our grip completely on the Information Economy. Read it and buy a kid a Commodore ...

Programming doesn't happen by mistake, it take people. People that know it exists, people that know they can do it, ultimately people who have managed to catch the bug. In a world where computing is ever more commodified, I take great joy in introducing schools and young students to the simple accessible wonders of programming outside the box.

(link) [GamePeople]

22:38 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link

Science Fair Bans Most Science

This is an unbelievable list: I never would've had a science fair project if these had been in force 40 years ago. But that's when our national goal was the Moon, not Starbucks and MSN Online ...

So I guess if you are doing a science experiment involving the effect of dust on a desk, you’re ok. But beyond that, it gets very tricky. And, worse, interesting. And so it is verboten. All for the safety of the kids, of course.

(link) [Free Range Kids]

22:30 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link