Fri, 08 Sep 2006

State helps turn up heat over CAFO public relations

What a way to wake up: I'm a terrorist!

I'm against huge confined animal feeding operations, I'm opposed to NAIS, and our farm is listed in the Eat Well Guide, which is run by the GRACE Foundation. Therefore, I'm a terrorist:

"Incited by GRACE activists' inflammatory rhetoric, some extreme elements of the anti-agriculture movement may take matters into their own hands," the Animal Agriculture Alliance said in a news release. "Documents recovered from al-Qaeda training camps indicate that the USA's food supply is a high-priority target. Domestically, terrorist/activists within our own borders have declared war on modern food and agriculture."

Checking into this Animal Agriculture Alliance that seems to be receiving "technical assistance" from the State (and therefore my tax dollars) I find it to be nothing but a shill, an "astroturf" group for large agribusiness interests. Just check out their links page. Oh yeah, and just search their site for info on NAIS: it's a wonderful idea, don't you know, that's only opposed by terrorists!

I wonder if this makes me a "pagano-fascist", too? Everybody that opposes these people seems to be a "fascist" of some sort or another. They do this so often that I'm beginning to suspect that their fixation on "fascism" may be similar to those cases where the loudest homophobes are really homosexuals who're still locked in the closet.

Just in case you're looking for the real terrorists, I'd suggest that you start here. It's a whole site devoted to combating agricultural terrorism, and, perhaps not surprisingly, a site I'm sure that the State of Indiana and the AAA would love to see shut down.

Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and several Hoosier agricultural organizations are firing back in the public relations battle over concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).

(link) [Muncie Star-Press]

via Ring Family Farm

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