It's An Ale Hall, After All

My fellow heathen blogger Asahel posted this morning bemoaning the lack of Heathen music. I sent him to several good sources on the Net via a comment, but, of course, saved the best for my own post!

Have you ever had a song get struck in your head: kinda like a endless tape loop, which, if left unfulfilled by some means or another, will ultimately drive you nuts? Such a thing happens to me quite frequently, and one warm summer day in 1994 it happened at work, with that hideous Disney concoction known as It's a Small World.

Well, my kinsman (and Lawspeaker of the Kindred of Ravenswood), Keith Sauers, heard of my dilemma, and immediately deduced that what I really need was new words to the tune. And once delivered, it has become something of a "Heathen Hit", being sung at nearly every moot or gathering I've attended since it first slipped out into the wild.

So without further ado, here it is:

It's An Ale Hall
(to the tune of "It's a Small World")

Here's to Odin, Thor, Freya, Frey and Tyr,
Now let's toast the gods 'cause we got a lot of beer
we've got loot enough to spare, 'cause the monks had some to share:
it's an Ale Hall after all.

    It's an Ale Hall after all,
    Drink some mead and have a ball!
    Grab your horn and join the brawl:
    It's an Ale Hall after all!

There are benchs, tables, the chieftan's seat.
And we hunt and fish so we got a lot to eat.
Fill a horn full of beer, drink and grin from ear to ear:
it's an Ale Hall after all.

[Repeat Chorus]

Well, they call us heathens because we're not a flock.
But we'll keep on drinking 'til Ragnarok,
then they say we shall convert, but we think that they'll get hurt:
it's an Ale Hall after all.

[Repeat Chorus]

Drink a beer before battle, another before bed,
down a brew for the living  and drink one for the dead.
And when your ships sets out to sea, I will drink for you and me:
it's an Ale Hall after all.

[Repeat Chorus]

00:00 /Asatru | 2 comments | permanent link