Tue, 21 Jun 2005

Stonehenge druids 'mark wrong solstice'

And the basis for this conclusion? Why, pig bones, of course:

The existence of large numbers of bones from pigs slaughtered in December or January supports the view that our Neolithic ancestors took part in a winter solstice festival.

And I don't doubt it for a minute - they probably did use the site at the winter solstice. But because the site was used at Yule (Midwinter) doesn't mean it wasn't used at Midsummer. Most cultures that celebrate the seasons observe both tides of the sun, and a number of them (especially in the Northern Hemisphere) recognize the equinox's as well. These dates mark the cycles of the agricultural year, and were very important to early agricultural societies. But the scientists concerned, represented by Prof Mike Parker Pearson of Sheffield university, who leads the project, said: "We have no evidence that anyone was in the landscape in summer.".

So our Neolithic ancestors all took off for a summer vacation, and came back to have a feast in the dead of winter? Get a grip, guys! There were "people in the landscape" year round, just as there are today! I have a book suggestion for this team of eminent archaeologists: The Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay. You can infer way too much if you take your finds out of context.

Modern-day druids, hippies and revellers who turn up at Stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice may not be marking an ancient festival as they believe.

(link) [The Telegraph]

via Letter from Hardscrabble Creek

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