Fri, 31 Oct 2003

DMCA Tyranny

Somehow, I missed this rant on DMCA Tyranny from Moore's Lore yesterday. Fine stuff - here's a snippet:

In the face of tyranny, the only rational choice is civil disobedience. Remember that you risk jail. But I cannot support such an unjust law, and I won't. Neither, I feel, should you.

Copyright deserves protection, but so does fair use. And copyright protection must be limited. It is not a property right, but a limited right, granted for a limited time, in order to encourage the creation of more work. Once copyright is transferred, and once it becomes a property right, then it becomes an insult to liberty, it becomes the enemy of liberty.

The Copyright Law must be changed. I'm willing to take my lumps in lost income from that. But the tyranny of the Copyright Police must be fought, and overthrown, if liberty is to have any meaning.

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