Wed, 13 Sep 2006

Does Everybody Who Comments Here Use a Mozilla based Browser?

Or Opera? Because there was a major flaw in the writeback section, stemming from my use of the <pre> tag, with every other browser on the planet.

It seems as though there's a documented "anomaly" in some browsers, including IE 5+ for Windows, Konqueror for Linux/KDE and Safari for the Mac (which is based on Konqueror code) that forces the width of the entire page to match the longest single line enclosed in the preformatting tag. Moronic doesn't begin to describe that little bit of nonsense - the tag has a "width" attribute, which these browsers cheerfully ignore.

It's fixed now - I went with a textarea [ugly!] and got rid of the offending, yet standard HTML <pre> tag altogether. Should be functionally identical, except for the scroll bars, of course, but ... well, let me know if you see any weirdness, will ya?

/Home | 7 writebacks | permanent link

On 9/14/2006 04:18:49
Bjorngrímnir wrote

On 9/14/2006 05:47:41
Thud wrote

On 9/14/2006 06:40:09
Walter Jeffries wrote

On 9/14/2006 08:44:43
Dave H wrote

Stylesheets, PRE and HTML

On 9/14/2006 18:34:51
Ash wrote

On 9/15/2006 14:39:37
Thud wrote

On 9/15/2006 14:49:14
Dave H wrote



Notes: If you put a <mailto:> link in the URL field your address will not be mangled: this could be a bad idea as your email address could be easily harvested by bots designed for SPAM. The comments field should now format correctly for line feeds and carriage returns: when you hit the 'Enter' or 'Return' keys in your comment it should break to a new line. The text should wrap cleanly. Please let me know if it doesn't. No HTML tags will pass through - entering links seems to be the main cause of comment SPAM. Also, please be sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser before attempting to post a writeback. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this really helps cut down on the amount of comment SPAM I have to deal with.
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