Sun, 31 Dec 2006

Fare Thee Well, 2006

The last hour of the year has arrived - I suppose I should wax poetic and reflective, but naw - I think I'll pass. Lot's has happened this year, some good, some bad, some of as yet unknown propensity. Some things blogged, and some on which I've remained silent.

But I do want to thank my loyal readers: it took three years to reach 500 comments, and less than 11 months to double that number. My server logs show that this humble effort is being read, and surprisingly widely. According to The Truth Laid Bear I'm a Flappy Bird, and ranked 3628th in link popularity. Not bad for an old code writin' heathen farmer, if I do say so myself.

Being back in the corporate world has had an impact here: I've not been posting with nearly the frequency I'd like. But I will try to get better about that, if for no other reason than my own sanity.

So 2007 - bring it on!

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On 1/1/2007 01:40:42
brainwise wrote

On 1/1/2007 01:41:29
brainwise wrote


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