Mon, 30 Oct 2006

Have Laptop, Will Travel

Well, I'm off to Minnesota in about 3 hours - I'm pulling a trailer full of my daughter's belongings to her new digs in the Twin Cities, where the courts are forcing her to reside until her divorce is over. And I'll also be looking for work ...

No, we're not surrendering the farm - yet. But things are really tight, and there are no off farm tech jobs at my level here. So I've been investigating contracting, on the theory that I can find a top paying job elsewhere, sending money home, and Kris can stay here and maintain the farm (and her schooling). If I hit it right, we should be able to come out of this crisis in fine shape. If I don't ... well, I don't want to think about it.

So posting may be sporadic for the next few days - if I have access and time, I'll write. Otherwise, well, stay tuned. I'll be back.

Oh yeah - if any of my valued readership knows of opportunities out there, by all means let me know. My resume is posted here.

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On 11/1/2006 20:27:22
Walter Jeffries wrote


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