Mon, 01 Mar 2010

Rumors of Spring

The temperature climbed above 40°F today for the first time this year. It's supposed to hit 57°F Sunday - I'll believe it when I feel it. We still have about 30 inches of snow (down from over 48) drifting the driveway shut, but we can no longer drive through the yard as it's become a mud pit. So we're parking by the outer gate - not a bad walk, really, but it sure will be good to get my driveway back.

I haven't seen the record books, but would be willing to bet that this was the snowiest winter in at least two decades, and probably back to the blizzard years of '78 and '79.

Maybe the winter really is ending, after all, and spring is on the horizon. Or perhaps that's just wishful thinking on my part.

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