Sun, 30 Oct 2005

Writebacks Are Formatted

I think I've finally figured out how to force Blosxom to format your comments correctly, without forcing you to enter HTML tags for paragraphs and line breaks... the <PRE> tag has more attributes and options than I realized. You can set a manual style within the tag, as well as a width. This allows the comments to pass through directly, with your formatting intact, and not make the whole page too wide to be displayed at a standard resolution. Nifty trick ... I've been writing HTML for years and I didn't know your could do that! Which is why I never bothered with <PRE> - who wants to see monospaced Courier text mucking up the look of their carefully crafted page?

This will also help me automate the posting process - although getting used to it may make me crazy for a while, as I'm so used to typing <P> and <BR>. We'll see how it works out.

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Notes: If you put a <mailto:> link in the URL field your address will not be mangled: this could be a bad idea as your email address could be easily harvested by bots designed for SPAM. The comments field should now format correctly for line feeds and carriage returns: when you hit the 'Enter' or 'Return' keys in your comment it should break to a new line. The text should wrap cleanly. Please let me know if it doesn't. No HTML tags will pass through - entering links seems to be the main cause of comment SPAM. Also, please be sure that Javascript is enabled in your browser before attempting to post a writeback. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this really helps cut down on the amount of comment SPAM I have to deal with.
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