Warren Zevon, RIP

Warren Zevon has passed on - he was an honorable man. It was so refreshing to read his comments on the disease (inoperable lung cancer - he was a long time smoker) that killed him:

[I]... chose a certain path and lived like Jim Morrison and lived 30 more years. You make choices and you have to live with the consequences.

No whining about how "Big Tobacco" did him in, no moaning about how deprived he was, no ad campaign to publicize his regrets :

I got to be the most [expletive deleted] rock star on the block, at least on my block, and then I got to be a sober dad for 18 years. I've had two very full lives ...

Honesty, courage, integrity. What a trio of concepts for the 21st century. Fare thee well, Warren!

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