Sat, 11 Mar 2006

Time switch creating computer nightmare

Backwards ClockYou know, this really deserves to be in large, bold letters:


And you can bet I'll keep you posted on the chaos ...

For the record, Hammerstead Farms will not be observing "Daylight Savings Time" - if you make an appointment to come out, plan on arriving on the standard time, and not some made up hour. If you're in doubt, try looking at the sun. You might learn something that our esteemed politicos in Indy are apparently ignorant of: you cannot change the time by passing a law. To trot out my favorite quote for situations like this: "You can put a shoe in the oven but that doesn't make it a biscuit!" (Malcolm X).

If you have an important meeting starting April 2, beware of relying on your computer for a reminder--there's a fair chance you'll be late. The state's first-ever switch to daylight-saving time will leave thousands of computers confused about what time it is, and their users not much better off.

(link) [Indiana Business Journal]

via Masson's Blog

/Politics | 1 writeback | permanent link

On 3/13/2006 07:38:45
Arwin wrote

Time and time again


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