Mon, 08 Sep 2003

An Open Letter to Howard Dean

I try to keep politics out of this blog, but sometimes I just can't help myself. I was very disappointed tonight when I checked the CNN news headlines. The news prompted me to visit a campaign website and make a comment. The following is a slightly modified (links added) verison of a letter I just dispatched to the Dean campaign.

Dear Mr. Dean:

You had almost roused this generally Republican voting, middle aged small farmer with a decided libertarian bent to believe that you were for real - until I witnessed your descent into the pit of conspiracy by stumping for Davis in California.

In a nutshell, the man is an idiot, more or less single-handedly responsible for driving the largest, most prosperous state in the Union to the brink of bankruptcy.

And by claiming the tenecles of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" is aiming to undermine democracy, you have, I'm afraid, lost what credibility you'd gained in this voters mind - I haven't always agreed with your positions, mind you, but I have appreciated your apparent honesty, integrity and understanding of the pragmatic nature of governance in the 21st century. But gimme a break - Republicans, even the zealots of the religious right, are not traitorous conspirators. You're sounding like a Bush crony here - I'm thinking of John Ashcroft.

We don't need another president who thinks his opponents are evil spuds out to subvert the holy shine of American democracy. Been there, done that, with Clinton and Bush. We need a leader. I was almost hoping it would be you.


Dave Haxton

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