Macroeconomic Bullshit

OK, I'm starting to get a burr up my ass abou this shit - I've been one whose always tried to look at the "macroeconomic" picture, but I'm slowly starting to see that the "macro" fattening of certain wallets, notably those of large, international corporations and.

The natural progression we've seen in the manufacturing and farming industries, among others, will be seen in the IT industry as well: The loss of lower-paying jobs gives way to the creation of newer, higher-paying jobs. It's never an overnight process, but it does happen, eventually.

The "natural progression" I see involves the rust belt and the destruction of the family farm. And now, apparently they want to ship the the IT industry outta here, too, leaving us with with a landscape dotted by empty tech centers in addtion to the abandoned factories and farms.

An argument for outsourcing. E5 Systems CEO Gordon Brooks says that while limits on outsourcing may protect some jobs in the short term, bans would end up doing more harm than good. [CNET - Front Door]

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