Sun, 19 Jun 2005

What's Their Real Problem With Gay Marriage? (It's The Gay Part)

This is an excellent analysis of the motivating factors behind this issue. Here's the most relevant paragraph:

... the Christian activists aren't vague in their opposition. For them, the issue isn't one of civil rights, because the term implies something inherent in the individual -- being black, say, or a woman -- and they deny that homosexuality is inherent. It can't be, because that would mean God had created some people who are damned from birth, morally blackened. This really is the inescapable root of the whole issue, the key to understanding those working against gay marriage as well as the engine driving their vehicle in the larger culture war: the commitment, on the part of a growing number of people, to a variety of religious belief that is so thoroughgoing it permeates every facet of life and thought, that rejects the secular, pluralistic grounding of society and that answers all questions internally.

Maryland's anti-gay-marriage crusaders share this with organizers nationwide: They say they are fighting a disease.

(link) [New York Times Magazine]

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