Thu, 31 Jul 2008

Two Great Reads

came out of the left libertarian blogosphere yesterday, and I would be remiss if I didn't direct you to both:

Kevin Carson wrote an astonishingly complete analysis of Labor Struggle in a Free Market, and Roderick Long has a marvelous piece up on the little known (and decidedly underappreciated) Zora Neale Hurston called Watching God From the Palace of Skulls. Here's a bit of her writing:

As I see it, the doctrines of democracy deal with the aspirations of men’s souls, but the application deals with things. One hand in somebody else’s pocket and one on your gun, and you are highly civilized. … Desire enough for your own use only, and you are a heathen. Civilized people have things to show the neighbors.

And there's much more where that came from: check out both of these fine posts!

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