Can Apple turn the tables on Microsoft?

I doubt that the increase in Mac market share will be anything resembling "dramatic", even if it should be. Business is just to entrenched to change their ways overnight, and there's the whole issue of legacy applications that would need migration to take into account. But still ...

I read somewhere yesterday that one of the reasons for the delay was to decrease the number of times a machine must be rebooted: I've never had to reboot my Powerbook due to a software or operating system error, and we've only rebooted Big Mac a couple of times: both when it was running "Virtual PC".

My Windows box, on the other hand, running XP SP2, gets rebooted at least once a week, and frequently more often than that.

Now that Windows Vista has been delayed, it's time to ask a once-unthinkable question: Can the Macintosh finally take back business...

(link) [CNET]

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