
I couldn't have gone last weekend, but wow! I wish! I still have my old C=64 around here somewhere, never did have the heart to throw it away. I wrote my first 'real' programs on it - the first that were distributed, anyway. I had a homebrew machine based on a COSMAC 1802 if you remember that RCA wonder ... but the 64, well that was the machine that really started it all.

I know that the Apple was first, and in some ways a superior machine, but, well, you couldn't buy an Apple II for $299, either. Atari ... well the membrane keyboard on the 400 really didn't appeal. The 64 (and the VIC-20 before it) were real machines, with real keyboards and a real (Microsoft) BASIC. Quite a box, for the time.

C-64 Diehards Relive History [Slashdot]

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