Sun, 08 Aug 2004

Tech 54

Talk about taking a trip in the Wayback Machine! This guy was paid to live for 10 days, in New York City, with the technology of 50 years ago. No Starbucks, PDA's or computers. No Advil, synthetic fibres or fast foods. No microwave ovens, Touch Tone phones or color TV. It's really wild to review how much of our technology and culture are products of the last 50 years. Even Mr. Peabody and Sherman (left) didn't appear until 1959.

He read alot more. Imagine that.

How much has technology really changed our daily lives? We asked a highly wired writer to spend 10 days in the big city living with the technology of 50 years ago. No Web, no cell, no laptop, no ATM card.

(link) [Popular Science]

via My Apple Reader

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