Guide to Digital Preservation from NIST

I've got a book sitting on my shelf which has scared me for a couple of years now: Dark Ages II When the Digital Data Die. This article from NIST tries to show a path to prevent the horrors described in the book from comping to pass. Given the propensity for locking stuff up with crypto and copyright, however, I remain profopundly pessimistic.

It talks about the effects of light, moisture, radiation, scratches, marking, adhesive labels, and even playback on the discs.

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Kazaa to Sue Movie, Record Companies

Is turnabout fair play?

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00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link

The Tyranny of Copyright?

There seems to be a lot of copyright news floating about today. Pretty unusual, for a Saturday. The link below leads to a fine article on all sides of the copyright conundrum. A good primer, although, as Slashdot points out "Copy Left" generally is spelled "copylife".

(link) [Slashdot]

00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link