I wear some of my opinions on my bumper - I wonder how I'd react to this kind of situation? Of course, I drive large pickup trucks, so the additional temptation for me would've been to just back over the guy's SUV!
This kinda made me remember the parking scene from Fried Green Tomatoes: where the little car dashes into the parking place, it's young occupants taunting the heroine with "I guess we're just younger and faster!", whereupon the heroine proceeds to repeatedly smash their smaller car with her large road hog... "I guess I'm just older and have more insurance!"
A political opinion, a parking place, and putting one's children at risk in the back seat.
(link) [csmonitor.com | Moral Dilemmas]
00:00 /Home | 0 comments | permanent link
According to everything I've read, Mr.Gates is supposed to be one really sharp cookie. I'm not so sure, after reading this:
"It would be wrong to say an operating system is more secure because nobody is attacking it," said Gates, in a clear dig at OS rivals such as Apple and Linux.
Get a clue, Bill! Crackers, like water, always choose the path of least resistance! And it's a damn sight harder to root a Unix box than it is one running a Microsoft operating system.
Maturing the Platform
(link) [The Register]
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
This is a perfect example of a patent "fishing expedition" - it used to be called an extortion attempt, back when our legal system maintained some semblance of common sense.
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
This is a very significant development, which should go a long way towards sinking a lot of "submarines".
00:00 /Copywrongs | 0 comments | permanent link
I was appalled when Dr. Dean came out in support of Davis in the California recall, but this really sends him over the edge. Apparently his campaign manager, Joe Trippi, is a major booster of the TCPA:
Viewed by copyright holders as the ultimate silver bullet, TCPA turns the open PC into a lock-down system where software can't be executed and media can't be played without the right-holders' permission.
This is supposed to be an Internet savvy campaign? I'd rather vote for Al Gore, and I can't stand the man! At least he only invented the Internet, he didn't try to lock it up...
Campaign 2004 Trippi on the edge
(link) [The Register]
00:00 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link
Went to my first spinning class yesterday down at Sheep Street down in Morgantown. Interesting to say the least: but I did managed to actually spin some yarn from raw wool! It's not very pretty, nor is it usable for anything, but hey! I learned to use a drop spindle.
Two more classes, but I've already learned alot. My primary purpose is to learn more about the wool market, of course, but spinning itself is pretty fun. Who knows, maybe we'll try selling finished goods (yarn? batts? rovings?) as well as the raw fleece.
00:00 /Agriculture | 0 comments | permanent link