This is really getting bizarre ... below is an email that showed up this morning, reproduced exactly as I saw it in my client. Incidentially, this was one of the few emails I've received in the last couple of days that wasn't the myDoom worm.
Subject: Re: HC.more tyrannical outrages
manservant death dustbin apices pan
dime hemorrhage schlesinger conic registrable successful transshipped
contralto cosgrove condone aides guile
I wonder what kind of program is used to generate such gibberish? Is it just a straight dictionary type lookup, or is there some list of words specifically designed to defeat the latest adaptive filters? It sure does make content filtering look silly, eh?
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
Funny this should come out now, eh? I'm busy moving any client that still uses IE (or Outlook) to Mozilla 1.6.
The really scary thing about this one is that it looks like a pretty deep design flaw - nobody's sure that Microsoft can fix it, short of a complete redesign.
... another new security hole that allows links to executable files to appear to be any other type of file, such as text or pdf.
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
A pretty good roundup on Slashdot about the MyDoom virus "explosion". Seems as though it's more aimed at hijacking machines for SPAM than for any kind of DDoS attack.
00:00 /Technology | 1 comment | permanent link
Apparently I'm not the only one to consider these kinds of things a waste of time.
As the number of social networking services like Friendster continues to swell, the technorati are pushing back. An antisocial backlash is afoot. By Leander Kahney.
(link) [Wired News]00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link
If you appreciate good writing, with just a touch of dementia, you will surely enjoy the latest addition to my blogroll - I am Eating My Husbands Soul ... and it isn't my first
As a bit of a teaser to encourge you to visit this quirky, funny and very well crafted (from a writing standpoint) blog, here's the first paragraph of the New Year's Day entry:
Happy New Year! I celebrated the end of 2003, and beginning of '04 by exchanging our old washing machine for the neighbor's dog. The washer was old and quit working last summer and has been sitting in our garage since, in the same manner and with as much thought given to it as the dog, 'Scruffy', whose name I have changed to 'Maytag'. The Hannifans can call the machine whatever they want. I left a little pile of dog doo on the lid so that they would understand the nature of the transaction.
00:00 /Humor | 0 comments | permanent link
Porn Rewards Users To Get Past Anti-Spam Captchas
00:00 /Technology | 0 comments | permanent link