Congress bypassed to appoint Swift Boat donor

Corruption, thy name is Bush.

President Bush named Republican fundraiser Sam Fox as U.S. ambassador to Belgium on Wednesday, using a maneuver that allowed him to bypass Congress where Democrats had derailed Fox's nomination.

(link) []

19:46 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

Foreign Office Paid Back by Iran

I'm here to second Mr. Spangler's nomination of Ms Hewitt for the first ever "Ruling Class Twit of the Moment Award" ...

The only wry smile to be derived from the humiliating circumstances in which our 15 sailors and Royal Marines were captured by just six Iranians came from the comment by Patricia Hewitt. "It was deplorable," pronounced our tight-lipped Health Secretary, "that the woman hostage should be shown smoking. This sends completely the wrong message to our young people."

(link) [Telegraph - Christopher Booker's notebook]

via Brad Spangler

18:46 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link