Credit Crisis Visualized

There's a wonderful post up over at within the crainium explaining the credit crunch. Check it out - well worth the time (it's about 10 minutes of video).

Included as a bonus was a link to GNMA (GinnieMae), a Federal program for mortgage backed securities that some say started the whole morass back in the 80's. Drilling on this site provided the first prospectus I'd seen offering mortgage backed securities... scary stuff, indeed. Or "Fun With Math", take your pick.

11:05 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link

The Fall of the West: The Slow Death of the Roman Superpower

Dare I say it? Sure. Here's a backgrounder for the present crisis.

In AD476 the last emperor of Rome was overthrown in a coup orchestrated by a German general. The deposed emperor was little more than a child, the last and weakest of a series of puppet rulers on the Roman throne. It was a nice irony that his name was Romulus, the same as the legendary founder of the city.

(link) [Times Online (UK)]

10:58 /Politics | 0 comments | permanent link