Fri, 16 Jan 2009

It Got Cold

According to the Weather Underground, it's -16°F right now in Colfax - about 10 miles NE of us. I've not checked out thermometer in the barn lot yet as I'm not going out for a few more minutes (and a few more hot cups of coffee), but I'll betcha it's at least that, if not colder.

There's still no real wind, for which I'm very thankful! Hail Thor! The 30 mph gale that usually blows through here this time of year would've turned us all into meat popsicles by now.

We lost one hen to the cold, but she was a nearly three year old Buff that'd been showing signs of age so I'm not that concerned. The air temp in the hen house last night was 10°, even with the heat lamp and extra insulation. But we only had one frozen egg, so we're doing OK in that regard.

Warmer air is on the way! It's supposed to hit +8°F today!

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On 1/16/2009 11:11:10
Hrafnkell wrote

On 1/16/2009 12:54:48
Dave H wrote


On 1/17/2009 00:03:58
Analemma wrote

On 1/23/2009 14:25:52
Walter Jeffries wrote


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