Mon, 27 Apr 2009

Nine Down Four To Go

A special event: Shearing Day One for 2009 was yesterday. And in a breach of custom from past years, we hired a shearer to come in an do the job for us! Well, most of the job anyway - I still had to trim hooves and give general assistance. But it was a damn sight easier than trying to do it all ourselves. I built Lorraine a big (8 x 4 ft) skirting table, and she was very pleased with the results.

The shearer, Stuart Ballantyne, had previously sheared the 3 Blackies we had over a Connor Prairie this year. He has his own page up - his main interest in our gals was in the ram's horns I had for sale. He uses them to create walking sticks and truely does some beautiful work.

We did get some pictures, and I'll try to get them up soon. And thanks to the failure of some of his clippers, Stuart will be making a return trip to get the last four. Will update then.

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