Short Term Bottle Baby

If you recall our recent Snow Day Surprise, you'll no doubt recall my quip that if there'd been a twin ram lamb he would've been called Clyde... well ...

Tim called up a week ago Wednesday, when I was so sick, and asked if we'd like a bottle baby. A ewe of his, a North Country Cheviot, who had been bred to a Blue Face Leicester, had dried up just after throwing twins. The ewe lamb was already gone, but the little ram lamb was hangin' on by the skin of his teeth. Tim's just got too many irons in the fire right now to deal with a bottle baby, and he figured if anybody could get the little fellow healthy we could. So Lorraine said sure.

And of course we called him Clyde.

He really does look like Bonnie's twin, eh? And is he ever active - it didn't take us long to get him back to peak condition. But we've got a lot of irons in the fire right now, too, and despite the fact that he'll have a beautiful fleece, it's just not the kind of fleece we want to concentrate on in our breeding program. So we found Clyde a new home, with Amber Meadow Farm in Shelby County (website not available), and Roxa came and got him today. He'll pretty much complete her spinners flock, and she was just delighted with him. Of course she brought some friends along for the ride, and before they'd left we'd taken orders for five fleeces! So it all worked out in the end for everybody. Especially Clyde. Who will no doubt be renamed. I hope.

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