Fri, 12 Feb 2010

Still Alive...

mostly. I think. Not really strong enough to sit at the desk, but I can type on the laptop, and writing is somewhat cathartic. So write I will...

Yesterday was the worst day yet. Lorraine finally corralled me and got me to the doc - his diagnosis was "almost pneumonia". The treatment is Levaquin and codeine laced cough syrup for two days. If I'm not better by tomorrow it's hospital time, I guess. Not good.

It's really, really cold this morning - and Lorraine's been having a heckva time carrying water to the barn. I never finished the tale of the pitcher pump, but to make a long story short, it thawed out enough for me to dig the old faucet out and get a new one set (with much hassle, mind you) without having to resort to trying to set a new well head in the barn lot. I had a tremendous amount of difficulty getting a new faucet that actually worked - bought two that were broken off the shelf, and finally had to hire help to get it all hooked up. But I thought I had it fixed. I was wrong. I don't think it drained properly, and consequently it froze up. Last Sunday. The same day I started getting sick. Go figure.

There's more going on, too. Lorraine's mom had a minor stroke three weeks ago, and is in rehab - she's doing OK, but it's still a concern. My mom went to the hospital last Sunday evening (when my fever was first starting to peak) and had to have a heart cath - she's home now and doing OK, but her bleeding is proving hard to control, so that's a concern. And out oldest grandson, Damien, up in Minnesota, is very sick, too. Hilary and her ex have had him to a couple of doctors so far with no satisfactory results.

Add this in to all the snow, and it's been the worst winter for years. Time for another cup of tea.

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