Wed, 05 Jul 2006


I lived through another Fourth of July ... the food, the fireworks, and the family always makes for a long day, but yesterday was even longer than usual.

We left to watch the parade in Lebanon at 10am EST, and didn't get home until midnight. The late night was due to an invitation we got to ride down to Indy and watch the fireworks from the top of a parking garage. And I must say it was a spectacular show, although why they try to synchronize them to music these days is beyond me: ooohhh! and aaaahhh! are really all the noise I need to enjoy a fireworks show.

And somebody certainly needs to school the music choreographers in a bit of history: the "Grand Finale" was set to the quickstep from the closing of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Which was, in reality, the Imperial Russian National Anthem (God Preserve the Czar). Kinda kinky to be hearing that played as "patriotic" music at an American Fourth of July celebration...

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