Wed, 23 Nov 2005

Trailer Wiring Woes

I truly despise wiring in commercial trucks and trailers: no two manufacturers seem to use the same set of wire colors, connectors or even terminology. It's just a mess.

In case you didn't pick up on the fact, I've been futzing with trailer wiring all day - lot's of news to report, and hopefully I'll have some pix to go with it, but it'll have to wait for tomorrow. I'm frozen and worn out.

Speaking of pix, I put up a new one of your humble author last evening - I was tired of looking at my "Grizzly Adams" photo from 1998, and figured I'd replace it with the urbane, paunchy and rapidly balding gent that now graces the sidebar. Kris took the photo in 2003, so it's more recent than it's predecessor, but I weigh a lot less now than in the pic - two years of tossing hay, carrying water and chasing chickens will do that to you ...

And just for the record, before I forget to note it, we had our first measurable snowfall of the season today - about an inch. More following the feast tomorrow ...

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On 11/24/2005 01:43:14
Kathryn wrote


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