Thu, 29 Jan 2009

The End of Handmade

This is how government regulation fixes problems: punish everyone, not just the malefactors. Among the common folk, this kind of draconian lunacy went out of style in the sixth grade, or, at worst, carried over to boot camp.

Come to think of it both schools and the military are run by governments. Maybe that explains it.Morons.

Imagine a world where handmade children’s items are scarce and parents cannot buy used children’s clothing; where sellers of used children’s products are subject to fines of $100,000. In this world, entrepreneurs are forced out of business and lose their livelihoods. Imagine, therefore, a world in which the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA) is allowed to go into affect as written on February 10th.

(link) [Upscale Baby Blog]

Update:A better overview.

via Overlawyered

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