Tue, 30 May 2006

Well-Intentioned Food Police May Create Havoc With Children's Diets

Great essay on the unintended consequences of "fighting fat" the government way.

Earlier this year, our small Midwestern school district joined the food wars, proposing a new policy that would discourage all food in classrooms, ban nuts and sugary foods and do away with vending machines.

So much for peanut butter sandwiches, snacks for kindergartners and birthday cupcakes.

(link) [New York Times]

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/Agriculture | 3 writebacks | permanent link

On 5/30/2006 21:42:38
Stephen Williamson wrote

On 5/30/2006 22:35:44
Dave H wrote

Right on!

On 5/31/2006 05:17:38
Bjorngrimnir wrote

Missing the point


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