Thu, 18 May 2006

An Opportunity to Stop the Madness

Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) has introduced an amendment to the agriculture appropriations bill (H.R.5384) that will defund the USDA’s proposed National Animal Identification System (NAIS) effectively blocking the USDA from implementing NAIS. Because the USDA is giving federal money to states to fund the state level Premises ID and NAIS this will effectively block virtually all development of NAIS in all fifty states. The vote is tomorrow, Thursday, May 18th, 2006.

And now I'm going to beg for a donation. No, don't hit the donate button to the left, what I'm after is your support on this. If you live in the US (or if you're a US citizen resident in foreign parts) please call your Congresscritter and ask them to vote for Rep. Paul's amendment.

If NAIS proceeds unchecked, it could quite literally be the death knell for Hammerstead Farms - and many other small farms and ranches around the nation. If you value your food supply, if you value American agricultural independence, or, Hel, if you just like reading my rants, get a hold of your representative and urge him to support this amendment.

End of begging...

Update: According to Ron Paul’s office the vote has been put off until next week. This gives you more time to get a hold of your Congressman... do it!

/Agriculture | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 5/18/2006 10:54:39
Ron wrote

On 5/20/2006 08:03:26
Dave H wrote

Thank you!


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