Fri, 16 Jan 2004

Mormons Dipping Everybody

Over at Pagan Prattle there's a post on the propensity of Mormons to baptise folks who've "passed on", in the hope that they'll accept "the truth" (Mormon truth, of course) in the afterlife. It seems as though this is upsetting some Jews, who recently discovered that many Holocaust victims have been posthumously inducted into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I can understand why they're a bit upset, the Winter, 1995 issue of Vor Tru had the following:

Odin baptized in 1911 by the Mormons! ...In an act of inordinate presumptuousness, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints baptized the Allfather and several other of the Aesir and Vanir. An Asatru Alliance member, while using the Mormon's ancestry files discovered this outrageous act.

They do this out of a desire to "seal" their family (living and dead) into their faith. Odin got on their list because somebody traced their ancestry back to a Scandinavian king, who traced his offical lineage to Odin. It's annoying, to be sure, but it's kinda funny too. As if they really expect heathen gods and dead orthodox Jews to become Mormons ...

/Asatru | 2 writebacks | permanent link

PonyTailed Writer wrote

Sounds like...

Dave H wrote

Sounds like ... Good analogy!


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