Sun, 14 Mar 2004

Well, I'm back.

I drove 2985.7 miles in 125 hours. That's an average speed of 23.89 mph, waking, sleeping or eating. Whatever. I'm toast.

I bade farewell to a dear aunt, who was, at times, like a second mom to me when I was growing up. And I did get to renew an acquaintance with my cousins in Florida that had long been allowed to lapse.

To stay awake, I purchased an unabridged audio edition of J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion. I'd never really been able to wade through that one in print: it's a tough read. But on audio it's an entirely different experience. Some things are meant to be read aloud, and this is one of them. It's a total of 16 hours of tape, and I managed to listen to it twice.

I've got a lot of mail (175+, not counting junque and spam) and a lot of news to catch up on - it was a busy week indeed. But no lambs dropped while I was away - glad I didn't miss that! Time to get to reading...

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