Wed, 27 Jul 2005

Driving bill upsets smokers

Lest anyone doubt that we'll be buying our cigarettes from the same folks who so kindly supply us with marijuana and cocaine in a few years, I submit this piece from New Jersey. The goal is Tobacco Prohibition, and it's well within sight. But on the bright side, think of all the jobs we'll add to the economy - DEA agents, prison guards, Neighborhood Smoking Watch coordinators, etc. - when nicotiana tabacum is finally a controlled substance.

Assemblyman John F. McKeon, D-West Orange, sponsored a measure that would fine drivers up to $250 if they are found smoking while driving.

(link) [Courier Post Online]

/Politics | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 7/27/2005 15:17:01
Kathryn wrote

On 7/27/2005 18:11:31
Dave H wrote



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