Sun, 22 Feb 2004

They Can't Be Bothered

This is bound to upset some folks reading here, but, well, I feel strongly enough about it to post it anyway. So, pardon me while I put on the asbestos suit and prepare to be flamed. This is one case where I agree with Fred:

"I call an animal, a species, or an individual corrupt when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is disadvantageous for it."
- Nietzsche

The is an apparently growing movement in this country of people who don't want children. Not because they have a physical disease or disability, or a mental one, nor because they haven't found a mate: I can understand that, and sympathize with it. But these folks, well, I can neither understand or sympathize with. You see, these people don't want kids because they "can't be bothered"!

Larson, the newspaper reporter, is 42 and handsome, with wavy hair and a neatly trimmed beard. "It's easy to be won over by the bundle of joy that comes out of the mother's womb, and 'Oh, how cute' and 'Oh, how nice,' but then not be prepared for the actual sacrifices that are going to have to be made," he tells me over coffee in Harvard Square, close to where he lives. "I know if I had kids, I would not be able to do the things I enjoy now. I would have to give up going to events with friends. I would have to give up part of my writing projects. I wouldn't be able to go out to concerts as much as I like, or go to museums, or take courses."

Aw, poor baby! No wonder he doesn't want children: he's still acting like one himself, putting self gratification above all other duties and responsibilities.

I wonder if these folks are glad their parents chose to be "bothered", allowing them to enjoy their wine and cheese parties and complain about normal peoples tales of diapers and "breeding"?

There are now several "support groups" for people like this: may I suggest another, more appropiate one?: Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

(link) [The Boston Golbe]

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